Sports club
This year World Cup fans will enjoy amazing football content!
We bet you could tell us how many overs Sachin Tendulkar bowled at the 2011 World Cup final.Or who first signed Zlatan back in 1996. You probably know when the Five Nations became the Six Nations and you could even tell us, if we gave you a minute, who scored the first five-point try for Wales in 1996.
Because we think that’s pretty impressive, we’ve created the Sports Club service just for you. For 110 fils a day we’ll send you a selection of daily sports trivia and enter you into the draw for some pretty sweet prizes, including the weekly cash prize and our premium sports content.
Subscribers are also invited to play stc’s SMS-based Trivia Game. For every sports-related question you answer (550 fils/SMS), right or wrong, we reward you with 5 minutes of free calls. Opting out is as easy as pie.