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I am facing an issue with my network/connection

I am facing an issue with my network/connection

If you are facing issues with your network/connection, this could be due to one of the below cases. Kindly follow the steps according to the issue you are facing:



Connection Issue

1.Check the signal bar on your handset, If signal is low - Check other locations

2.If you have recently changed your handset, try placing your SIM card in a different handset, if the issue continues, kindly visit your nearest stc store to replace your SIM card.

Cannot make or receive calls

1.Check your outstanding balance, your outgoing calls may be barred due to an overdue payment or insufficient line balance , kindly pay your outstanding amount or recharge your line.

2.Check the signal bar on your handset, If signal is low - Check other locations
3.If you have recently changed your handset, try placing your SIM card in a different handset, if the issue continues, kindly visit your nearest stc store to replace your SIM card.

Cannot get 4G/5G connection

1. Ensure that the handset you are using is a 5G enabled handset

2.Connection may vary according to the location you are in

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